
What is Mycelia Mike?

Mycelia Mike LLC is an environmental service that is owned and operated by nature-enthusiasts, who are passionate about environmental aesthetics and health. Our company currently offers a wide variety of tree-care services and gardening services. We specialize in tree removal; tree pruning; and garden beautification (weeding, planting, mulching, etc). Our hard-working team has years of experience, and takes satisfaction in delivering exquisite work. We strive to offer extremely affordable prices for our services, because we get our happiness from our customers’ happiness.

What makes Mycelia Mike different from other tree & garden services?

Our team enjoys renovating and beautifying nature, while maintaining a spirit of sustainability. Unlike many other tree & garden services, we are passionate about improving the long-term environmental health of your property. We care about the longevity of your land; therefore consider the biodiversity and soil fertility when conducting services. When applicable, we make recommendations to improve the ecological health and diversity of your property. Though we will usually perform whatever the client requests — it is our number one priority to ensure that your trees, plants, fungi, and soil are living harmoniously. Our environmentalists still have much to learn about the complexities of ecosystems, and we will continue this learning experience throughout our entire lives. But, we can guarantee you that we will always deliver our best efforts toward optimizing your property’s ecological health.

Why is the company called Mycelia Mike? Big plans for the future.

Most people have never heard the word “mycelia” before — what does it mean? Mycelia denotes the plural variation of mycelium. A mycelium is the root-like vegetative structure of a fungus. Sometimes a mycelium produces mushrooms, but the majority of the organism lives underground. All mycelia are considered decomposers, because they produce degradative enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that break-down substances into simpler forms. The enzymes produced by mycelia are largely responsible for maintaining the fertility of soil. By degrading organic matter into its fundamental elements, mycelia allow the nutrients in soil to become bioavailable for other organisms to consume. And that is precisely why I am so passionate about fungi. Mycelia improve biodiversity by making more food available for plants and microorganisms. When the diversity of plants and microorganisms is improved, the entire surrounding ecosystem improves. Indeed, many studies affirm that micro-biodiversity has a direct impact on macro-biodiversity. Which is just another way of saying: environmental health is dependent on soil fertility. This simple fact is what our company plans to focus on as we grow and expand. We want to focus on improving the environment by improving the quality of soil. And, there’s no better method of soil remediation than utilizing the enzymatic power of mycelia! Therefore, Mycelia Mike LLC is working towards the commercialization of mycoremediation. We have great hopes that this refertilization process may revolutionize the entire field of bioremediation. If it’s so effective – why hasn’t mycoremediation been implemented already? Since mycology is the most understudied branch of biology, there hasn’t been enough funding to test mycoremediation on a commercial scale. Only a few large-scale fungal remediation experiments have been conducted by citizen scientists. Fortunately, waves of peer-reviewed literature on mycoremediation is emerging, and these studies reveal extremely promising results. In fact, new studies allude that mycoremediation could quickly become the most environmentally-friendly & cost-effective form of bioremediation. Therefore, Mike Spooner is extremely hopeful, and excited to partake in these groundbreaking efforts to remediate our dying ecosystems.

Read more about mycoremediation, and how it can be used for hazardous waste cleanup.

Who is Mycelia Mike?

Michael Spooner is a twenty-four year old environmentalist (Environmental Science B.Sc, SNHU). I began developing my passion for fungi in freshman year of college.

Amidst a challenging phase of my life, I sought rehabilitation through the use of psilocybin. These eye-opening experiences inspired me to explore non-psychoactive mushrooms as well. Foraging and identifying wild mushrooms quickly became my favorite hobby. I began to spend most afternoons collecting mushrooms, and later researching them on my phone. Considering my deep fascination with fungi, I was astonished to discover that mycology is extremely understudied and under-appreciated.

It was like discovering hidden treasure when I began finding peer-reviewed studies about the environmental benefits of mycelia… “How is nobody talking about this?!” A passion for fungi raged in my heart, and I knew I had to do something.

After nearly five years of intensely studying ecology & mycology; I still have so much to learn! It’s so exciting to see this passion of mine actually develop into something real. When I was 19 years old, many people laughed when I’d say “fungi will change the world. But, now I think a lot of people are finally waking-up to that fact. Now it’s time to take action, so that we can improve environmental health, and live much more sustainable lives.