Mycelia Mike, LLC began as an endeavor to remediate the environment. At first, you may believe that cutting down trees seems counter intuitive to this endeavor. But, Mike has a solution to making tree work an environmentally friendly process.
When trees are removed, the wood is often shredded into wood chips. These wood chips are often dumped at mulching facilities, where they are dyed with chemicals, and then sold for gardening aesthetics. Thus, rendering the wood completely useless for the environment.
Instead of wasting all this precious wood, Mike has an ecologically-sound alternative to wood chip disposal. These wood chips contain a large amount of various nutrients that improve the quality of soil. Therefore, Mike’s idea is to turn these wood chips back into soil as quickly as possible! Improving soil fertility yields greater plant biodiversity, thus improving the entire surrounding ecosystem.
How does Mike accomplish this? Mike can break-down the wood chips into soil extremely fast by utilizing the amazing decomposition abilities of fungi! Mycelia (the vegetative bodies of fungi) can be grown on the wood chips to create fertile soil faster than any other available method. Yielding large amounts of new, fertile soil can have an incredibly beneficial impact on the environment, especially if done on a large scale.
In conclusion, traditional tree work has been viewed as an environmentally destructive process. But, Mike wants to offer an environmentally-friendly solution by turning your trees into rich, fertile soil that can improve the environment. One day, Mike hopes to offer this wood chip based soil as a product, allowing surrounding communities to benefit from our fallen trees!